2023 ANNUAL SHAARC Board Meeting
All 6 members of the Board were present and accounted for March 10, 2023, at 5:07 PM.
Elena Andrews, Carolyn Spencer, Joe Wigley,
Agnes Kirkland, Val Buchand, and Debbie Sargent.
All 6 members signed the OATH OF CONFIDENTIALITY at beginning of the meeting
1. Any information, recorded or not, received or acquired in connection with my duties is considered confidential. Confidential information includes all records that in any way would divulge information in regard to any Tenant / Resident and his/her family.
2. All information given out or discovered about any Tenant / Resident and his/her family’s circumstances and/or the operations shall be held in confidence by me.
3. I will not make public statements to the media expressly or impliedly, on behalf of any Tenant / Resident or his/her family.
4. I shall act in a professional manner in the performance of my duties as a Community representative of the SHAARC Board
SHAARC Annual Board Meeting was held on March 10, 2023, at 5 pm.
This being the first annual SHAARC board meeting, there were no previous minutes to report.
Same for the Treasure, Board of Directors, and Pha/Management Reports.
The board as a whole voted to have Carolyn Spencer added as the second representative of the Birtha Mitchell property with Debbie Sargent making the motion and Elaina Andrews 2nd the motion. The vote was unanimous with 6 YES votes, and 0 NO votes.
The two main items on the agenda were ELECTIONS and BYLAWS
Debbie Sargent gave the motion for Val Buchand to continue as President, with Carolyn giving it a 2nd to motion. No discussion, and no other nominations. All board members were unanimous with a YES vote. Val Buchand is the 2023 SHAARC President.
Elaina gave the motion for Debbie Sargent to continue as Secretary, with Joe Wigley giving it a 2nd to motion. No Discussion and no other nominations. All board members were unanimous with a YES vote. Debbie Sargent is the 2023 SHAARC Secretary.
President Buchand took a moment to explain what was done for the new members and titles. The remaining 4 members would take on the title of Vice President of their perspective communities.
Agnus Kirtland and Joe Wigley Vice President of McCown and Annex
Elaina Andrews and Carolyn Spencer Co-Vice Presidents of Bertha Mitchell.
The By-Laws print out were given to all 6 members and some discussion was given by President Val Buchand
BY-LAWS are now on our website SHAARC.org Members were asked to read over and discussion would be tabled for the next general meeting in May 2023
Words of encouragement from President Val Buchand before ending our next General Meeting will be in May 2023. The meeting is now on our website calendar which includes the July, September, and November meetings
This Annual SHAARC Board Meeting ended with President Val Buchand at 5:34 PM on March 10, 2023