SHAARC Board meeting 07/18/2023 minutes
The meeting was called to order by President Val Buchand at 6;18 pm
Short pray was given.
Val Buchand, Agnus Kirtland, and Debbie Sargent
were present.
Caroline Spencer was excluded due to work schedule.
Elena Andrews was a no-show.
There was a quorum with 3 members present.
MR L. Nix ~
The opinion of the SHAARC board discussed and agreed that the situation surrounding the Eviction of a 73+-year-old disabled man was not completely given the full investigation warrant for the situation.
Furthermore, the alleged victim (possibly the actual Perpetrator) has been harassing, bullying, and instigating most of the interactions between them and Mr. Luther.
Had connected with Mr. Nix by phone during this meeting to see how he was doing. Mr. Nix told SHAARC that the hotel Sun Coast had paid for him to stay, at only lasted about a few weeks. He slept in his car before he was given a spot on the HOT TEAM at the Salvation Army.
He left that due to issues not being disclosed.
At this call, Mr. Nix tells the SHAARC is at a Days Inn paid for by SunCost Homeless. Not sure for how long.
Mr. Nix did report he still has his puppy with him.
Ms. K Thomas ~
Ms. Thomas’s update was given. She is working with the SHAARC Advocate Rachel Johnson to get back her voucher and secure housing.
Neighborhood Grant ~
President Val Buchand stated that SHAARC will be used for the purpose of training residents, and marketing.
SHAARC will be appling for $2,000.oo by
October 2023 with the Sarasota Neighborhood dept.
$7,000-8,000 will be earmarked for SHAARC training coordinator / advocate Rachal Johnson
Debbie Sargent made the motion to accept the going forward on the Neighborhood Grant. Angus Kirtland (2)Second the motion. All three present voted Yes, with any Nays non-existing.
SHAARC BUDGET 2023/2024 ~
Actual figures weren’t discussed. The SHAARC discussed and gave the idea of what was needed.
All items and budgets will be published at an upcoming date.
CLOSING OF MEETING ~ 7:50 pm July 18, 2023