The meeting was called to order by President Val Buchand at 6;18 pm Short pray was given. ROLL CALL Val Buchand, Agnus Kirtland, and Debbie Sargent were present. Caroline Spencer was excluded due to work schedule. Elena Andrews was a no-show. There was a quorum with 3 members present. OLD BUSINESS MR L. Nix ~ …
Meeting for July 18th, 2023 6 pm -Pray -Roll Call -Old Business Mr. Luther Keyara Thomas Neighborhood Grant -New Business Budget Information for Grants -Other Concerns to bring before the SHAARC board -Closing
All 6 members of the Board were present and accounted for March 10, 2023, at 5:07 PM. Elena Andrews, Carolyn Spencer, Joe Wigley, Agnes Kirkland, Val Buchand, and Debbie Sargent. All 6 members signed the OATH OF CONFIDENTIALITY at beginning of the meeting *************************************************************************************************************** AS A MEMBER OF THE SHAARC Board I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE …