Tenant Participation Requirements 24 CFR 245.100
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C. Rights of Tenants and Tenant Organizations
- Rights of Tenants to Organize
24 CFR 245.100 provides tenants of a covered multifamily housing project the right to
establish and operate a tenant organization for the purpose of addressing issues related to
their living environment as well as activities related to housing and community
development. A tenant organization is considered legitimate if it has been established by
the tenants of a multifamily housing project covered under Section 245.10 for the purpose
described above, and meets regularly, operates democratically, is representative of all
residents in the development, and is completely independent of Owners, management,
and their representatives. The definition of legitimate tenant organization includes
“organizing committees” newly formed by residents, and does not require specific
structures, written by-laws, elections, or resident petitions.
A link1
to this Notice will connect the reader to a brochure entitled “Resident Rights &
Responsibilities” which addresses tenant rights to organize. Owners and/or management
agents are required to provide the head of household with a copy of this brochure at
move-in and annually at recertification (Ref: HUD Handbook 4350.3 REV-1:
Occupancy Requirements of Subsidized Housing Programs, Chapter 6-27,
Paragraph B.1.i.). - Protected Activities
24 CFR 245.115 identifies activities that Owners and management agents must allow
tenants and tenant organizers to conduct related to establishment or operation of a tenant
organization. These activities include:
i. distributing leaflets in the lobby and common areas, under tenants’ doors, posting
information on bulletin boards,
ii. initiating contact with tenants, conducting door-to-door surveys to ascertain
interest in establishing a tenant organization, and to offer information about the
tenant organization,
iii. offering assistance for tenants to participate in tenant organization activities and
iv. convening tenant organization meetings on-site in a manner that is fully
independent of management representatives. In order to preserve the
independence of tenant organizations, management representatives may not attend
such meetings unless invited by the tenant organization.