YOUR RIGHTS to attend meetings pt 2
This is a short version of the post from yesterday.
A lot of our housing residents
do not know they have this right to attend
the Board of Commissioners meetings
(In-Person or by way of Zoom).
Some are fearful of losing their housing or are intimidated into NOT attending.
Rights to Attend any Public Meeting
Florida Constitution and Sunshine Act give “the public” the right to attend the meetings
*Florida law does not limit access to meetings
* Anyone may attend
*Florida law also recognizes a public right to comment during open meetings
*Florida law requires public bodies to give “reasonable notice” of their meetings to the public and the press.
*notice generally should include the time and place of the meeting and an agenda of the items to be discussed.
Which Governmental Bodies Are Covered? = Appointed boards or commissions;
If you seek entry-and then you are prohibited from entry
you should inform the presiding official that:
“Florida Statute 286.011, the
Government-in-the-Sunshine Law,
requires that all meetings of state or
local governmental boards or commissions be open to the public unless
there is a specific statutory exemption. If I am ordered to leave (or
forbidden to enter) this meeting, I ask
that you advise me of the statutory
authority for your action. Otherwise, I
must insist on my right to attend this
This is your Florida Constitutional RIGHT
to attend these Open to the Public Meetings
For more Information